Grief, Loss, Transitions

After the loss, what’s next?

It is not easy to figure out exactly when the world stopped spinning on its axis. Or when your world stops spinning.

No one can tell you how to feel or what to do when you experience a loss. No one else has walked in your shoes. No one has experienced that person, opportunity, or changes that you have.

Whatever comes up with death, transition, or loss is right and normal for you.

I can help you. Not only am I trained, but I have also experienced many losses. Call me, and I’ll sit with you.

Grief touches far more than only by the death of a loved one or a dear pet.

Grief is also the loss of a spouse through divorce. Relationships with friends change as a result.

Grief is moving in with your elderly parents who can no longer take care of themselves properly. Going from being the child to being the parent shows us their mortality.

Even life events that most people see as positive can cause an element of loss.

There are names for some of those events: Empty nest, marriage, or parenthood.

Grief is a mixture of emotions.

While you are grateful your child trusted you enough to come out to you, there is grief over lost possibilities and dreams as a result.

I have relatives who still haven’t come out to the important people in their lives.

Are you grateful you had a healthy baby or grieving because of that baby’s lifelong diagnosis?

I had a perfect, healthy baby boy who was later diagnosed with Autism.

You are going to scream the next time someone says, “I know how you feel.”

No one knows how you feel exactly. Grief and loss are personal experiences that require processing – in your way, now someone else’s.

I’ve felt the same angry and frustrated urges to scream and lash out.

Grief is a life-altering experience.

After you scream, call me.

Healing from grief takes time – like any physical injury.

The healing journey takes time – and is likely to have positive results if you have a traveling companion – me!

Let’s talk for 15 minutes and learn if we could be good companions on your journey to wholeness.

No one should continue to feel hurt if they don’t have to. And certainly no one should hurt alone.

Call me at (972) 325-8123. Let me help you bear the burden of pain from your grief and loss.